Thursday, February 27, 2014

An Introduction

Dear Reader,

Ere long I have cogitated upon penning this nascent innovation, a "blog" in which I would strive to create the most informative, enlightening, and original thoughts (As the authoress of these words is not yet fifteen years old, that might be a wee bit problematic). Tragically, I feared that aforementioned "blog" would prove prosaic, cliche, and most awfully dull (OR I was not able to write one).
However - It is my devoutest wish that in every word, in every paragraph, this blog produces opinionation without offence, information with extranium,(innovative words without being too transparently imagined), musing without turgid dialogues, interest without boredom, and estimable thought without undue analysis.
 To begin, I offer you a portrait of a young girl. I adore the classics of Grimm (all right, I've never read 'em but much enjoy fairy tales), the novels of Austen, the tomes of Brontë, the epics of Dickens, the pennings of Sherwood Smith, the stories of Rowling, the tales of Tolkien. I write at length and talk unendingly! Customarily, my literature of choice is that which is atmospheric, suspenseful, fantastical, and eighteenth-centuryical. See, Brontë, Austen, Dickens.

As suggested by the titlege of this fine "blog" I am in the capacity of opinionated ranting, at present affiliated with history, plagiarism (I'm not going to rant about J.K. Rowling's similarities to J.R.R. Tolkien, nor the significant and admittedly somewhat irksome habit of retelling's bright ideas able to be attributed to the subject materiel. Okay maybe for the latter subject).
I love collective nouns, I am abysmal at sentence structure, I write I read, I talk, I race, I chide (I have the capacity to be fairly scorching).

Closing, I love Anne of Green Gables so much, I flatter myself by believing I think alike to Miss Eyre, I love to be out in the elements, I am probably younger than you believe, I am a student of many disciplines: Quantum physics, linguistics, history...(Marvel, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean) among them. I chitter and chatter and bicker and natter. I hope you like this "blog" Dear Reader.

N.B. Posts have a high likelihood of being spare, like aurum they will be few but precious (incidentally, I'm pretty stuck-up). Nevertheless, good luck(bonne chance?) in all your fair endeavors. Thanks for reading(unless, of course you skipped...:P)

-Anacostia of the Sun-Struck Hills.

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