Now, *shuffles feet* I've been remiss for not posting last Wednesday, but I'll remediate that by breaking my plan into a hundred pieces and posting two or three ranty essays on The Rants of Opinionation soon.
First on the list is... A concise (paroxysms of laughter -- brevity is not my strong point), and hopefully mildish rant about the perception of femininity. You may have just read that as "feminism", that being the title of the previous piece; and there is less of a difference than one thinks. One should be free to behave as befits oneself, and if you are "feminine", isn't that keeping with it?
Femininity is merely an aspect of a personality -- loving to read Jane Austen, or liking, say, pink ribbons -- it's not weakness, and does not prohibit strength, fortitude, or substance -- asserting that they're mutually exclusive is selling it short, not to mention deriding one's identity.
As long as "femininity" is authentic (i.e. not to conform to stereotypes), it's unobjectionable.